DB9 Small Breakout Comparison

We offer several different styles of small form factor DB9 breakout boards with varying options and features that are summarized on this page.

NOTE: We also offer several full-size DB9 breakout boards, which are viewable on our main Breakout Boards category page.

Feature Slim (BRKSDx) Tiny (BRKTDx) EasyAdapters
(FDB9-TBx / MDB9-TBx)
Example Picture

Male Screws
Yes, pre-installed (-C option).

Reduced shank screws pass cleanly through breakout board connector, threading only into mating connector, ensuring a snug fit.

Not Available Included separately (loose).

Regular machine screws, fully threaded, contact threads on breakout board connector and mating connector simultaneously.

Jack Screws
Yes (-R option), pre-installed Yes, pre-installed No
Connector Angle Right Angle only (as shown in example picture above) Right Angle or Straight (Straight shown in example picture above) Right Angle only (as shown in example picture above)
Wire Entry Angled, both from same side Horizontal, from back edge of PCB 5-Position: Horizontal, from back edge of PCB
10-Position: Horizontal, from opposite side edges of PCB
Shield/Shell Terminal Yes No 5-Position: No
10-Position: Yes
PCB Edges Smooth routed Smooth routed Scored/snapped (slightly rough)
Insulating Foam No No Yes, included separately
Enclosure Available No No Yes (XDB9-TB-H1)

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